Jersey Festival of Words
At CCA Galleries
Tickets: £5
Daff Noel’s writing is always island based. The seventh in a family of ten children and born at the beginning of the German Occupation of the island, her works are of its social history by way of fact and fiction. She has interviewed hundreds of islanders in her quest to record their stories and sounding of events for posterity while at the same time fictionalising the unpalatable.
Her fifth book The Poor Shall Inherit takes the reader through the lives of a Jersey family’s during the 19th century and her sixth, which she is still working on, covers a fictional family’s fifty years of progression out of poverty and scandal in 1949.
A finance professional by day Roy McCarthy completed and self-published his first contemporary novel Barry in 2011. Inspired by his home island’s beauty and heritage two historical novels followed, A Jersey Midsummer Tale and Tess of Portelet Manor.
Most recently, and influenced by his Irish roots a fourth novel was published in late 2014, a mystery tinged with Irish myth and legend entitled A West Cork Mystery. He has several more works in progress as well as a number of short stories which will form a collection in due course.
Hear both Daff and Roy talk about their craft, their influences and their experiences as writers.